The North Cottage Treatment Program consists of two phases, which last a total of 4 - 6 months.
The Intensive Treatment Program (ITP) is our first phase of treatment. It is a short-term component, providing residents with a foundation for recovery. It is designed for those who have had no previous residential treatment, and for those who have had multiple treatments with no continued recovery. Upon completion of the first phase ITP Program, residents either transfer to our long-term Halfway House, or to another residential program. There are 50 residents in this component and the average length of stay is 60 - 90 days.
Each resident is assigned to a counselor who functions as both a therapist and case manager. Referral for ancillary services are made as indicated, and include services for medical, psychiatric, legal, vocational, and housing issues.
Residents receive at least 1-hour of individual therapy, and 7-hours of group therapy per week. There is at least one discussion group per day. ITP residents may initiate a “call group” at any time for group support and feedback. All residents attend a 13-part series of educational seminars on a variety of health, addictions and living skill topics. There are two weekly meetings to increase familiarity with the principles of self-help groups including Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Residents attend community based self-help meetings. ITP residents are not permitted to work, drive personal vehicles, or have overnight passes.
Recreation activities are encouraged and include softball, pool tables, library/reading room, television, and the local library.