Waiting List Policies and Procedures

1. On the next business day after your interview, have your caseworker contact Admissions at Voice/TTY: 508-285-2701 ext. 138, to discuss your interview and, if accepted, your position on the waiting list.

2. While you are in treatment or a transitional program, have your caseworker call Admissions once a week to get a waiting list update.

3. If you are waiting in a correctional institution: wrap-ups should have their caseworker call two weeks before the wrap date to check on availability; jailers and revise/revoke candidates should have their caseworker call to discuss their status and admission date; parolees should have their caseworker call for a status update. Approval paperwork must be received by the Brockton Parole Office and we will coordinate an admission date with the Field Officer.

4. We will discuss your waiting list status with you or your caseworker only. Please do not have family members or friends contact us regarding your application and waiting list status.

5. If you do not have a photo I.D., please work on obtaining one while awaiting admission.

6. If you are currently taking medication, it is preferable that you bring a 30 Days supply of medication or a valid 30 day script on the day of your admission. 

7. Any property brought into North Cottage needs to be limited to what fits in designated room storage which includes:
• 2 under the bed drawers (29” x 20” x 8” deep)
• 1 Closet (2ft x 2ft x 6ft) w/drawer (20” x 20” x 12” deep)
• 1 desk
• Televisions cannot exceed 32”
• No outside furniture is allowed in North Cottage rooms
Any excess property will need to be stored off of North Cottage premises. You are not to exceed this limit during the duration of your stay as a North Cottage Program resident.