North Cottage is funded for substance addiction treatment but we have outside resources we work closely with who can provide these services.

Currently visitors are allowed on the weekends from 10am – 6pm. Visitors are allowed in the main areas and outside only. They must sign in and out if entering a building. If sick, we ask that people do not visit in the building and that they and the resident they are visiting mask up.

If a family member wishes to send a check or money, it is recommended that it not be a large amount and that resident’s keep their money on their person. Checks can be cashed at our financial department’s discretion.

Residents can be on any medication that is valid and prescribed to them by their medical or therapeutic provider.

Residents may apply for personal driving permission in the 2nd phase of treatment. Their request needs to be approved by their counselor and Senior Management. No request will be approved without proof of valid driver’s license and registration  No vehicle is to be brought on property without prior approval.

North Cottage is not a working program. A resident is able to look for work after meeting all of their group requirements with counselor approval and not until phase 2 of treatment.

If a potential resident has been actively using substances then detox is required.

We accept referrals from jails and probation in our catchment areas.

A referral is required from a referring agency.

We help with resumes and post known job opportunities available for those residents who are eligible to work. We refer residents to temp agencies, Mass Rehab, and Mass Hire, who will assist in this process.

North Cottage has 146 treatment beds and additional graduate housing on the property.

We have a Program Service Team that assists residents in obtaining insurance, doctors, dentists, mental health providers etc. as requested.

There are gyms in town that residents are able to join on their own. North Cottage is currently in the process of constructing an outside workout area.

No, we are not a medical facility.

North Cottage is 12-step based but encourages all forms of recovery and/or support groups including Rational Recovery, Smart Recovery etc.

Insurance is not required for admission to North Cottage, however certain Mass Health plans will cover a resident’s stay.